Tuesday 22 June 2010

More job opportunities – more experienced people for community

Friendship Zone was one of the first organisations in Northampton to be involved in a national scheme run by Future Job Fund. The goal of this scheme is to give a work experience for young people aged from 18-25.
Meet 6 youngsters all from Northampton who started their job and 6 weeks training course at Friendship Zone: Daniel (21), Elizabeth (21), Ian (22), Jay (22), Patrick (25) and Ross (22).
All youngsters confirm that the job at Friendship Zone is really great experience and would improve their CV’s for next employers. One of Friendship Zone’s aims is to make dreams come true, and also the opportunity to find a good job. This program provides teaching on IT skills, telemarketing, how to make friends, and the prospect of finding employment.
Daniel was unemployed for 8 months. This opportunity was an ultimate chance he was looking for. According to Daniel, he is grateful for this chance to prove himself at Friendship Zone working as a Project Administrator. Before Daniel found this work, he had worked in a few different jobs with different responsibilities.
Elizabeth was looking for a job over half a year to start in a position which she can progress. With her attitude and interest in the job Elizabeth has become a valued member of a company already. She demonstrates high standard, ingenuity and insight of her job role. Friendship Zone is glad to give Elizabeth chance to improve her skills on graphic design using Adobe Photoshop program.
Patrick finished his studies in multimedia HND in University of Northampton and went on to obtain BA Hons in computer games design at Huddersfield University. Also for Patrick it took him half a year to get this work opportunity. Patrick strongly decided to improve his skills and portfolio of work for future employment. Patrick is highly computer literate, well motivated and hardworking individual who has completed many courses and at Friendship Zone he shows his great ability to work in groups performing research and development to improve and develop the social networking platform of Friendship Zone.
Jay was unemployed for more than 3 months until Job Centre Plus offered him the Project Administrator role at Friendship Zone. This is Jay’s first job role and he demonstrates his ability to quick learning and his willingness to adapt to new working conditions.
Ross previously worked in retail for more than 3 years but felt the retail field was not for him. His new role at Friendship Zone gives him great chance to meet new targets and see that IT and social networking platform is the place he feels more comfortable. After few trainings Ross sees that his new job role does not requires many duties but it is good enough to gain some new skills and get new work experience nevertheless. After few lessons Ross discovered the field he would like to build his professional career and he is going to go for it step by step.
Ian finished the third class BA (Hons) in Business Information Systems Top-Up in the University of Northampton. He could not find any job for about 7months and was delighted to know he got a job offer from Friendship Zone. Most of all Ian likes the atmosphere and team of Friendship Zone
It can be well noted that Friendship Zone can give valuable training to unemployed youngsters to achieving better opportunities in the current and future job market. To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit www.friendship-zone.com

Birthday Dream Party of Daniel


When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity’s main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

Daniel just finished a plumbing course at Moulton College. Since then he has found it extremely difficult finding a job. During this time it has been quite stressful but he was sure that finally he was going to find his ideal job. “Although the weight is off my shoulders now and I think that it would be nice to have an event that’s chilled out. When i saw this opportunity I felt it would be a good way to celebrate and relax on my Birthday. Friendship Zone approved my Request for Support and on Wednesday, 21st Matthew, Kevin and I went up to Red Hot in Sixfields to celebrate my 19th Birthday. We had an awesome few hours at the restaurant stuffing our faces. For anyone who has their Birthday coming up I honestly recommend submitting your Birthday story because it is worth it!!”

See the video on http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFriendshipZone#p/a/u/1/H160Ryexkg4

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on www.friendship-zone.com and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Birthday Dream Party of Christine


When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity’s main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams! One of its projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

This is a Good Story of Christine who just turned 21: "I have never celebrated my Birthday outside home. Joining Friendship Zone I found the opportunity to spend time with friends at Red Hot restaurant where I have never been. My Birthday was a really nice occasion to invite my new friends to the restaurant and get to know them better. Besides I didn’t spend any penny as it is offered as Birthday Dream Party for free. It is a great way to spend a Birthday” Christine is grateful to everyone who helped her to have her 21st Birthday as great as it was.

See the video on http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFriendshipZone

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on www.friendship-zone.com and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Birthday Dream Party of Kevin


When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity’s main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

Until Kevin joined the Friendship Zone he had few friends. As birthday was coming up he was focused on spending the day with his new friends he had found from Friendship Zone. The time Kevin spent in the Red Hot was fantastic. He was there for the first time and found the place well designed and the food very delicious. Kevin is going to tell all his friends about this great opportunity and wishes everyone to have a very good day as he had.

See the video on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31Jxke4Bl3A

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on www.friendship-zone.com and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Friendship Zone continues to give the unique opportunity for youngsters – trainings and contract job for 6 months

Friendship Zone already employs more than 60 young hopefuls, giving them the chance for a 6 month paid work contract with the organisation. The job role is Project Administrator which includes promoting and moderating the Social Networking website of Friendship Zone. There is also an opportunity to get more confidence in the current competitive job market attending FREE 6 weeks training provided by Friendship Zone which includes teaching on IT skills, telemarketing, how to make friends, and the prospect of finding employment.
Aaron (22) after his studies at Moulton College in 2007 has a wide range of experiences from shop work and warehouse to some building jobs. It took him more than 8 months until Job Centre Plus found him the Project Administrator role at Friendship Zone. Asked about the job at Friendship Zone, Aaron answers “it is a good job to get people around the world, and friends and family using social networking sites to promote and show information about Friendship Zone. And good job means to do the job you like and Friendship Zone gives me a platform I feel confident in and I can improve my skills all the time which is fantastic. I wish all other youngsters will take this wonderful opportunity that Friendship Zone offers can gain this vauable experience.”
Adam (19) having searched thoroughly for jobs through online ,newspapers, and in job centre, as well as family contact and various agencies count himself lucky when Job Centre Plus offered him the chance of a job at Friendship Zone. Adam felt welcomed and has the skills required doing the job and that he would be a good part of the team and would do well in this environment. For Adam this job is great: “I feel I am improving with my IT skills everyday when I am in office, and I am constantly learning new things. The work environment is great and that helps pretty much. All together it is a good job.”
Adrian (20) was without a job for more than 6 months. Adrian is very dedicated to his work and is passionate about the things he does. He wants to chase his goal of oweing his own business. He still does volunteering job walking dogs around the forest. The job at Friendship Zone gives him good work practise and to encourages him acheiving his goal.
Danielle (22) attended a retail course with Learn Today which was run by the Job Centre Plus while she was unemployed which indeed happy her to improve her IT skills.
Danielle (22) worked hard on her previous job roles, doing long hours and many shifts. While she looked for any job opportunity, which took her about 2 years, she attended a course for literacy and numeracy with Learn Today which was also run by the Job Centre Plus. Danielle is grateful for the training at Friendship Zone, and now she is doing a home study course in counselling.
For James (22) it took 17 months to finally get a job. James is glad to work in IT field and learn new skills and use his knowledge working on IT platform. The role of Project Administrator will boost his future career opportunities.
It can be well noted that Friendship Zone can give valuable training to unemployed youngsters to achieving better opportunities in the current and future job market. To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit www.friendship-zone.com

ESF Community Trainings at Friendship Zone – meet the first group!

The first Group has already started to attend the ESF Community Training which is provided by Friendship Zone in collaboration with European Social Fund to mobilise disadvantaged or excluded unemployed and inactive people to facilitate their progress towards employment.
Trainings are provided on Saturdays. Every Group attends 6 Saturdays one by other full day.
The Friendship Zone provides trainings which help to improve people knowledge, put their skills into practice and open new horizons in their professional growth:
• IT package
• Career builder tools and how to be a good employee at working place.
Lauma, 16 years old from Wellingborough just finished her School and plans full-time studies in Northampton College in September. Meanwhile she is looking for any summer job to get some work experience and earn her first money. Lauma is grateful for this opportunity to gain more skills in current competitive job market. She finds all the trainings of these Saturdays very helpful for her job search.
Diana, 30 also from Wellingborough was on her maternity leave and understands how tough it is be successful candidate on job Interviews today. Diana thinks she found the right place to learn new skills. Her first day in the office gave her emotional uplift – there is definitely an occupation to suit her.
Deniss, 19 years old hopeful from Northampton, is still studying. At the same time he is also looking for summer job to earn extra money for his studies in autumn.
Viktors is encouraged by tutors of Friendship Zone and likes to improve his IT skills. He is 18 years old from Wellingborough and has not been able to find a job for more than 4 months. This training is a great opportunity for him to create his professional CV, learn how to write a good Covering letter and do practice on frequently asked Interview questions.
The European Social Fund (ESF) was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union and so help raise standards of living. It aims to help people fulfil their potential by giving them better skills and better job prospects.
The ESF is a key part of the EU's strategy for growth and jobs. It supports the EU's goal of increasing employment by giving unemployed and disadvantaged people the training and support they need to enter jobs which is not easy.
The 2007-2013 England ESF programme is investing £5 billion over seven years of which £2.5 billion is from the ESF and £2.5 billion is national funding.

If you are unemployed and are looking for a job then this opportunity is for YOU! Courses are FREE and after successful competition you will get £100 worth of gift vouchers. There are more 6 places left.
Take this chance and call TODAY: Ph. 01604 621618
Gain useful skills to be more successful in today’s competitive job market.

Opportunities for unemployed! Don’t miss your chance!


The first Group has already started to attend the ESF Community Training which is provided by Friendship Zone in collaboration with European Social Fund to mobilise disadvantaged or excluded unemployed and inactive people to facilitate their progress towards employment.
The European Social Fund (ESF) was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union and so help raise standards of living. It aims to help people fulfil their potential by giving them better skills and better job prospects.
The ESF is a key part of the EU's strategy for growth and jobs. It supports the EU's goal of increasing employment by giving unemployed and disadvantaged people the training and support they need to enter into the job market with an advantage.
The 2007-2013 England ESF programme is investing £5 billion over seven years of which £2.5 billion is from the ESF and £2.5 billion is national funding.
By the end of November 2009, over 1,026,000 participants had joined the programme. It is already having an impact on the lives of disadvantage people in the labour market, helping 67,000 unemployed or inactive participants into jobs and about 91,000 participants have gained basic skills or qualifications.
The priorities in the 2007 to 2013 ESF programme are designed to focus on specific activities and to ensure that it reaches people in most need of support. There are two main priorities in England:
• Priority 1 is 'Extending employment opportunities'. It supports projects to tackle the barriers to work faced by unemployed and disadvantaged people. About £1.5 billion of ESF money is available for this priority in 2007-2013
• Priority 2 is 'Developing a skilled and adaptable workforce'. It supports projects to train people who do not have basic skills and qualifications needed in the workplace. About £823 million of ESF money is available for this priority in 2007-2013.
The Friendship Zone provides trainings which help to improve people knowledge, put their skills into practice and open new horizons in their professional growth:
• IT package
• Career builder tools

If you are unemployed and are looking for a job then this opportunity is for YOU! Courses are FREE and after successful competition you will get £100 worth of gift vouchers. There are more 6 places left.

Take this chance and call TODAY: Ph. 01604 621618
Gain useful skills to be more successful in today’s competitive job market.