Tuesday 20 July 2010

Welcome the 10th Group!

Friendship Zone was one of the first organisations in Northampton to be involved in a national scheme run by Future Job Fund. The goal of this scheme is to give a work experience for young people aged from 18-25.
Friendship Zone welcomes the 10th group who have already started both the training provided to raise their qualification and the chance of getting more work experience. The Friendship Zone team is proud of employing more than 60 youngsters offering them Project Administration job which includes Promotion and Moderation of the website.
On completion of this program youngsters gain the chance of acquiring knowledge and ideas about Career Builder Tools as well as having deeper in-depth of Microsoft Office 2007.
Lee, 23 from Northampton has few years work experience in retail, working as a customer service associate. During his last position he worked as an invoice processor where his responsibilities were to process invoices and make sure they validate. Project Administrator position is definitely new challenge in Lee’s career and he finds it useful in his professional development. Previously he had no experience working in IT industry. Lee had a chance to live and study in an International School in Japan for small part of his life. Lee spent more than 6 months searching for any job and he handed in his CV to many shops and pubs. He also searched through newspapers at least once a week and spent a lot of time searching on job agency websites online. Lee is still looking for his ideal occupation and believes there is one to suit him.
Marija, 18, comes from Lithuania and has been living and studying in the UK for the past 4 years. She just finished Northampton College and has obtained NVQ Level 1 and Level 2 in Beauty therapy and in September she plans to continue so she can acquire her NVQ Level 3. Marija has a good customer service work experience and has also worked in a warehouse which has given her the insight of warehouse working environment. Marija admits that she has gained new skills at Friendship Zone’s training program, especially in new MS Word and Excel 2007. Marija is glad to have this job and she can precede her education and further career in a chosen profession. She enjoys her job role at Friendship Zone and finds it uncomplicated and wishes to have a job like this as a permanent as it is easy to connect with studies.
For Jessica and Donna, both from Northampton, the training course is not as vital as the job in general. Donna, in the last 3 years was caring for her two step children and her partner. Donna has few years work experience in retail and she enjoys working with people. It took her about 2 years to get back to job. Donna stresses that it is not easy to find a job nowadays albeit part time. I am really grateful for this Future Job Fund run program”. Jessica on the other hand is thinking about fulfilling her dream of getting a qualification in Cake Decoration. She has already found some cheaper shorter Cake Decorating course which could help her more and save her over £400.
Alisha, 19, from Northampton, was unemployed for 4 months and has also studied at Northampton College with, NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing but after careful consideration she decided to search for administrative position. The duties of Project Administrator role suits Alisha personality and she is glad to get some work experience at Friendship Zone as it will help her build her career further . Alisha likes to work with computers and she enjoys working with people. “No one can learn or gain an experience if they are not given the opportunity. There should be more companies like Friendship Zone which help youngsters to get some practice” according to Alisha.
It can be well noted that Friendship Zone can give valuable training to unemployed youngsters to achieving better opportunities in the current and future job market. To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit www.friendship-zone.com

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Practice and work experience for new Legal Adviser!

Despite the current global situation the demand for qualified professionals is undergoing changes and especially legal professionals of the future needs to have a flexible approach to their chosen career path.
Within the growth and development of the organisation, Friendship Zone is ready to offer work experience to Ayesha Chowdhury who just completed her Bachelor’s studies with LLB (Hons). The team welcomes Ayesha in her job as a Legal Adviser and wishes her endurance and patience working in our quite dynamic and changeable environment.
This is not Ayesha’s first job role. She started her career as sales assistant and worked more than 2 years in Customer Service Company during her studies at University. Though after her studies Ayesha strongly decided to build her legal career and she is glad that Friendship Zone has given her this chance to prove her abilities and skills. In the future Ayesha would like to progress and undertake her legal practice course (LPC) to become a solicitor.
Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.
To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit www.friendship-zone.com.

Meet our Web Project Manager!

Konstantins Kaculaks started with Friendship Zone in the middle of June as a Web Project Manager. The team is congratulating him on his new role and wish him good luck in his new role.
Prior to this role Konstantins was employed with a 4ALL organisation in Latvia for 5 years where he worked as Technical Director and Project Manager. Konstantins has a wide knowledge of common office software, installation, web project’s leading, and also web management and design. This involved working on many serious projects such as E-Fax and new Social Networking Website with complicated management functions.
The website of the Friendship Zone is still in it BETA version, the main responsibility for Konstantins is to make the website more user’ friendly. Konstantin`s role is to take the organisation through this period of growth and develop systems to ensure the organisation can withstand the challenges and the pace of change within today’s competitive needs in social networking platform.
Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.
To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit www.friendship-zone.com.

Trustees Report (2009 – 2010)

This last year has been a voyage of discovery. We have continued to enjoy the patronage of AEP UK Ltd who provided the majority of the funds we need to develop our services. We were offered an unconditional licence of their product branded as SNAP4Business. This is a while labelled social networking application platform.
We had to drop out the Zonadream concept and focus on the Friendship Zone.
We are still in the same office which offers us more services to provide. Instead of being worried at the halt of the long march of home ownership, we still enjoy our low rent office.
Friendship Zone is still BETA version – a lot of work has been done but still many things needs to be improved and developed. We will therefore develop platforms to facilitate peer to peer networking, learning and partnerships. We also believe that they are the strongest advertisement to the wider public: to inspire more people to join our website, for us to work for social benefit and to draw in help and funds from the population at large. We will also continue to improve the quality and design of our website and support charitable activities, drawing on evaluations of our programmes and research into what works better for community.
Friendship Zone promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams. Our goal is to foster a healthy work environment that allows our employees to achieve a positive work-life balance and we strive to have an atmosphere of respect and open collaboration, creating the conditions wherein which every employee feels valued, empowered, and part of a team.
Friendship Zone is both a social networking site and a place where interested people can apply for grants to help achieve their dreams. At the moment the project of Birthday Dream Party works only in Northampton but in the nearest future it is going to have a national audience thus giving the chance for others nationwide to use this wonderful opportunity. There is a link to see first Birthday Dream Parties in Red Hot restaurant in Sixfields, Northampton: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFriendshipZone#p/u
Youngsters also have the opportunity to be involved in the “Youth Sport Infrastructure Development” program. There are many sport organizations for youngsters who need various kinds of developments (renovation, building etc). The main objective of this development program is to improve or develop sport facilities used by youngsters.
Friendship Zone in collaboration with University of Northampton is offering graduates and postgraduates an opportunity to undergo placements/ experience, with the view of having an advantage of future job prospects.
Friendship Zone works closely with Northampton Volunteer Centre to expand its employment opportunities to people who are interested in volunteering, this in the nutshell help improve the community. The Number of Volunteers continues to rise. Future Job Fund helped us to realise potential of training providing.
The Charity is glad to confirm that it is also opened to disadvantage individuals. We are in the final process of obtaining DISABILITY SYMBOL which would intend help us to recruit more interested youngsters with disability.

Friendship Zone is now also a registered member of UK Online centre. We can take advantage of all the great benefits that membership has to offer, we have access to “the Help
is at Hand pages” a website that has been specifically designed for UK Online centre members.
Environmental is an issue that Friendship Zone takes very seriously and is in collaboration with one of the largest collectors of used printer cartridges in the UK Empty Cartridge. Friendship Zone helps to search for companies which do not recycle their used cartridges and old mobile phones to register them with Empty Cartridge.
Friendship Zone was one of the first organisations in Northampton being involved in a national scheme run by Future Job Fund. Friendship Zone has now supported over 60 talented and inspirational people to become Project Administrators through the national scheme, giving them a chance for a 6 month paid work contract. Friendship Zone gives valuable training to unemployed youngsters to achieving better opportunities in the current and future job market as well. As our work grows and develops, we learn more about what can be achieved through supporting individuals to deliver social benefit, and about how best to support them. The commitment, energy and innovation shown by our hard work are remarkable. From local community projects to social enterprises delivering transformational change, more experienced youngsters are a new force for good in our society. We have been delighted with the progress made by Future Job Fund, and inspired by the quality and commitment of the people, from all ages and backgrounds, who have stepped forward to become Project Administrators.
Friendship Zone has demonstrated and still demonstrates to the world that hard work and an innovative approach can be the basis for unparalleled success. Notwithstanding the tough involvement in a Charity as a non-profit organization, Friendship Zone has proven that innovative business model based upon a firm belief in its product can outperform bigger competitors.
Fundraising activities are ongoing; we will now seek to expand the numbers of people we can help, by drawing in additional funds whilst continuing to make best use of the Future Job Fund endowment income.
We are looking forward to this next year as our projects mature. We also look forward to be able to report more specifically about the number of individuals and communities that we have been able to support.

The first Group completed ESF Community Trainings at Friendship Zone

The first Group has already completed their ESF Community Training programme which is provided by Friendship Zone in collaboration with European Social Fund to mobilise disadvantaged or excluded unemployed and inactive people to facilitate their progress towards employment.
Trainings are provided on Saturdays. Every Group attends 6 Saturdays (all day).
Friendship Zone provides trainings which help to improve peoples’ knowledge, put their skills into practice and open new horizons in their professional growth:
• IT package
• Career builder tools and how to be a good employee at working places.
Diana, Lauma, Deniss and Viktors from the first group confirmed that the training at “Friendship Zone” was challenging and not stressful. “With this training I have gained confidence in myself and learnt new things I didn’t know before”, by Diana. After this training they are feel more confident and are ready to go to recruiters and talk about their job opportunities. Before this training none of the students had professional CV and none had written an Application letter before. The students are grateful for this chance to create their first professional career builder tools to be more successful in current competitive job market.
“For me IT training and practice on frequently asked Interview questions were very useful and I am glad I got the chance to attend this training. I wish there would be more training like this as it is really important for the community. Nowadays people are down casted and they feel unwanted, but that should not be the case because obviously community need everyone, it is tough to find the place where you can prove your ability to work and demonstrate your skills and knowledge”, by Deniss.
Each of the students knows the industry they would like to work and they are sure about the work conditions – they wish to work in an environment similar to the one that Friendship Zone has.
The European Social Fund (ESF) was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union and consequently help raise standards of living. Their aim is to help people fulfil their potential by giving them better skills and better job prospects.
The ESF is a key part of the EU's strategy for growth and jobs. It supports the EU's goal of increasing employment by giving unemployed and disadvantaged people the training and support they need to enter jobs which is not easy.
The 2007-2013 England ESF programme is investing £5 billion over seven years of which £2.5 billion is from the ESF and £2.5 billion is national funding.

If you are unemployed and are looking for a job then this opportunity is for YOU! Courses are FREE and after successful competition you will get Certificate and £100 worth of gift vouchers. There are more 6 places left.
Take this chance and call TODAY: Ph. 01604 621618
Gain useful skills to be more successful in today’s competitive job market.

Birthday Dream Party of Andrew

When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity’s main objective is to help people.
Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects Friendship Zone offers is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!
Read terms and conditions on the website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!
Andrew joined Friendship Zone on January this year. His first impression about the design and page modules of the website was not the best. Though he found many useful things for himself like FREE sms messages, unlimited pictures and videos uploads, radio for different ages and much more. “I don’t remember when I celebrated my last Birthday, must be many years ago. There were always many reasons, why I could not and money was definitely the main issue”. With the help of Friendship Zone Andrew met new friends and his new friends recommended him to apply for FREE Birthday Dream Party. His friends were those who encouraged him and asked to go out finally. Andrew’s Birthday was a great cause to cheer him up.
Few days after visiting restaurant Andrew says “Seven of my closest friends and myself went to Red Hot and spent over 3 hours there. It is not only about the food we all found well prepared, delicious and served, it is more about the time in generally spent around my best friends. Especially these days when I feel down often, it is wonderful just to talk to friends and forget about the problems at least for some hours. Friends are not only for having fun but also for sharing opinion and problems. I am happy to have these great friends I have and would like to thank to Friendship Zone in collaboration with world buffer restaurant red Hot for this great idea to let people spend their Birthday’s this way. It was really good!”
Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on www.friendship-zone.com and wait for approval!
Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.